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My New Blog… Firestorm Fan

Because apparently I don’t spend enough time blogging already, I’ve started another blog!  FIRESTORM FAN – A blog dedicated to DC Comics Nuclear Man – Firestorm!  You can find it at

I’ve been running ONCE UPON A GEEK for nearly a year now.  While I love blogging about anything and everything geeky, I wanted to start another site that really focuses on one subject.  In the past year, I’ve become interested in some comic book character blogs, such as: The Aquaman Shrine, Speed Force (dedicated to the Flash), and Idol-Head (dedicated to the Martian Manhunter).  Here at ONCE UPON A GEEK, I’ve done a FLASH WEEK and an AQUAMAN WEEK.  I’ve been planning to dedicate a week each to my other three favorite characters (Firestorm, Blue Devil, and Doctor Fate).  Firestorm is actually my #1 favorite character (believe it or not, even more so than Aquaman).  When I started to contemplate a Firestorm Week, I realized that I would be interested in doing much more than just one week dedicated to the character. After searching around the web I haven’t been able to find an active blog dedicated to the character.   There are a handful of good reference sites and some defunct sites, but no currently active blog.  So I decided to give it a try!

At FIRESTORM FAN I’ll be covering all things about the character.  I’ll cover all the various incarnations of Firestorm, comic books, toys, cartoon appearances, memorabilia, advertisements, my own editorial thoughts on the character … just about anything related to Firestorm.  For example, on Monday I did a post about the 1985 Super Powers Firestorm action figure.  Today I published a post with lots of Firestorm related news.  That’s the general idea behind the blog.

Now don’t fret, I won’t be abandoning ONCE UPON A GEEK in favor of FIRESTORM FAN.  I’m only planning to post to FIRESTORM FAN once or twice a week.  I don’t have the time to do both blogs five days a week, and I really don’t think there is enough Firestorm content to keep a daily blog alive indefinitely.  What may happen is that I miss a day from time to time on ONCE UPON A GEEK. I’m not planning for this to happen, but real life sometimes get in the way.  So please forgive me in advance if I miss a weekday.  Don’t think of it as losing a blog-post, think of it as gaining a new blog-in-law.

So please feel free to stop by anytime or subscribe to the RSS feed.  If you visit FIRESTORM FAN, check out the graphic header I put together.  Then hit refresh on your browser.  There are three different headers that rotate at random.  Neat trick that came with that WordPress theme!  I plan to design further headers just for fun.

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

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