REVIEWS: Flash Rebirth #1 and Zero Hour mini-series
Michael Bailey (of the Views from the Longbox podcast) and I recently teamed-up to record our thoughts about Flash Rebirth #1 and the 1994 mini-series Zero Hour.
Our Flash Rebirth #1 review went about 27 minutes and can be found by clicking here. For the next five months or so, we’ll be recording episodes to talk issue-by-issue about the Geoff Johns/Ethan Van Sciver fueled Flash: Rebirth. In this review we give our thoughts on the first issue of a series, the writing, theories about what is to come, what we liked, what we didn’t like, the art and even give a shout or two.
Our Zero Hour review can be found by clicking here. Both Mike and I were firmly entrenched into the DCU back in 1994 when DC published their world-shaking crossover, Zero Hour. So this mini-series really meant a lot to us both. Our Zero Hour review went a mammoth 1 hour and 46 minutes, but it’s jam-packed with serious Way-Back-Machine material and we had a blast recording it. We cover the mini-series from all angles: the lead up, the story, the bad, the good and the ramifications.
Also, feel free to drop by the Views from the Longbox Forums to discuss these episodes and other comic related matters. Thanks for listening!