Halloween Post-Game Report
Halloween at our house went pretty well! The kids had a great time trick-or-treating with my wife while I stayed home and handed out goodies. In addition to candy, we handed out free comic books. The comics were a big hit with the neighborhood kids and their parents (click here for more information on the Halloween comics)!
We had about 70 kids come by the house. That is a decent turn-out for us. The cul-de-sac we live on is very dark in the evening and not terribly inviting. I lined the street with about 50 luminaries in hopes of attracting more kids down to street. It turned out very pretty.
How was Halloween in your area?
YOU did all those luminaries? I see you have been puting some skill points towards the lighter skill. lemme guess…6d+1?
Well, Symantec failed to block a virus and I got hit. It was bloody.
@Serv – Well, I had to train in order to add points to the skill. Then he made me wait a week before I could apply the points! You know those finicky GMs.
@Ed – That’s awesome! Those zombie contacts you have in the same photo gallery make my eyes water. Ouch!
Halloween was alright this year. We did not have as many trick or treaters as we had in previous years, probably because it fell on a Sunday, and there were several local events on Friday and Saturday for the kids to go out (Goblinfest in the park, Trunk or Treat at the local Church, etc.).
My wife and son (17 mos) went out to hit the neighborhood. He was dressed as a dalmation dog and got a lot “awwwws” apparently. I stayed at the house, dressed as “Casual La Parka,” which consists of my La Parka mask (http://www.highspots.com/product.asp?id=23561)coupled with dress slacks and a silk shirt.
I messed that link up, here it is.
We ran out of comic books (we only had the Toy Story one this year) — that’s 75 books in kids’ hands! Next year I’ll order 100. According to my in-laws (who stayed behind to hand those and the candy out while my wife and I took the kiddos around), several comments along the lines of, “Comic books *and* candy?!?! Cool!” were heard. 🙂
@Mike – Same comments here. That made me really happy! Like you, there are now 75 kids in my neighborhood with comic books in their hands. Hooray!
@Luke – 17 months?!?!? OMG!!! I can’t believe time has flown this quickly. Seems like just last month baby Carter Hall was born. Wow. I’m sure he was adorable as a dalmatian!
My wife and I are SO in for giving out comics next year.
Our neighborhood is on an upswing and we had 30 or 40 this year. Well below the high of 75 the year we moved here but more than the 15 we had a few years ago…