
Welcome and Introductions

Welcome to ONCE UPON A GEEK, the blog of the Irredeemable Shag! For those that don’t know me, I’m one of the regulars on THE UNIQUE GEEK podcast and THE UNIQUE GEEK listserv. I’m also a semi-regular on the VIEWS FROM THE LONGBOX podcast. If you don’t listen to these podcasts or follow the listserv, shame on you. You are missing some really fun geek-related stuff. If you do follow these, then you have my thanks and also my sympathy because you’ve had to suffer through them. 😉

So now Shag’s got a blog. I know you are thinking, “Whoop-de-do – what’s so special about that?” When I decided that I wanted to carve out my own tiny little empire on the internet, I wondered what the heck I should talk about. I mean, I’m already blathering at the fingers on THE UNIQUE GEEK listserv, so why would this blog be different? Then I realized I could compartmentalize my thoughts. I can continue to post newsworthy items on THE UNIQUE GEEK listserv, while my posts here could be my personal opinions. That’s not to say I won’t speak up on the listserv if I have an opinion. It’s just that I will direct most of my ramblings here instead of subjecting everyone on the listserv to them.

My plan for this blog is to primarily focus on some of my favorite topics including comic books, Doctor Who, Star Wars (classic and legacy characters), role-playing, and science fiction in general. However, any topic is really fair game.

Just to give you a little background on me, I’ve been a comic book collector for about 24 years, a Doctor Who fan for about 25 years, a role-player for about 23 years, and obviously a Star Wars fan since 1977. During college I spent four years managing a comic book and science fiction collectibles store called Cosmic Cat. Then I managed multiplex movie theaters for three years, servicing over 1 million patrons annually. Since then I have acquired a “real job”, settled down and started a family, but I still try to remain active in the world of geekdom.  Most of the gang from THE UNIQUE GEEK are old friends of mine from college, so it’s been a great way to stay in touch.

Well… Welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy being here. Please feel free to comment and introduce yourself. Everyone’s first comment is moderated (to cut down on SPAM), but after that first comment you are able to post un-moderated. Thanks for stopping by!

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