Green Arrow Action Figures
I recently participated in a team-up between my Firestorm blog and a friend’s Green Arrow blog. That inspired me to dig out the various Green Arrow action figures I own. There are TONS of Green Arrow action figures out there. Click here to see how many come up on Google Images if you don’t believe me. I don’t own even a fraction of them. However, I’m pleased with the ones I have and thought I would showcase them today.
The Green Arrow figure below is from the DC Direct Hard Traveling Heroes line released back in 2000. They did a great job capturing Neal Adams’ Green Arrow. The figure stands about six inches high and includes a boxing glove arrow, a drill arrow, and a handcuff arrow. Love it! Without a doubt this is my favorite Green Arrow action figure.
The classic Green Arrow action figure below came out in 1999. It was in the DC Super Heroes Silver Age Collection, and was designed to emulate the classic Mego style. He stands about nine inches tall.
The Connor Hawke Green Arrow figure below also came out in 1999 as part of the Total Justice line of action figures. He stands nearly five inches tall.
The figure below isn’t really an action figure, it’s a posed PVC piece of Green Arrow. It’s from the DC Direct Justice League of America PVC Set. He stands about four inches high.
The final item below is a Heroclix of Green Arrow. It stands nearly two inches high. I purchased it in 2003 while at DragonCon and got Judd Winick to sign it (he was the writer of the Green Arrow comic). In my own defense, I didn’t realize what a tool he was at the time. It was actually during that convention when I realized it. Cool looking Heroclix though.
For more Green Arrow excitement, be sure to follow the Green Arrow blog – Dispatches from the Arrowcave!
“In my own defense, I didn’t realize what a tool he was at the time. It was actually during that convention when I realized it.”
I guess you never watched that season of The Real World, eh? 😉
I shouldn’t say anything because 1) I’m kind of a dick myself and 2) I really dig his Outsiders stuff. Plus his current Batman is fun.
I’m glad you’re finally realizing that Green Arrow is better than Firestorm.
Ouch. This coming from the guy who is a fan of the Homeless-Bum Green Arrow from Kevin Smith’s first issue. 😛
Well, the homeless bum-arrow still had a lot more soul than Firestorm….
Dude, I love that PVC fig! One of these days, when I have a job again, I’ll have to find one on Ebay. I actually own that DC Superheroes Green Arrow. I love the real cloth outfit!
I’ve met Judd Winnick on several occasions and he was an increibly nice, humble guy. At one point I was sitting at the CBLDF Booth with him during a signing (I was a volunteer) and kept trying to talk about HIS work but he kept want to talk about his friend Geoff John’s (Who was just coming into his own)
He was also extemely nice to my wife at a seperate signing that she helped with.
When meeting pros at conventions keep in mind the sheer multitude of idiotic fans they have to deal with.
YOU may have just followed someone who had been repeatedly bothering him all day!
I find a good rule is meeting someone at LEAST twice (preferably three times) before forming an opinion…some still fail the tes though. 😉
@Ray – Thanks for the comment. I met Judd Winick at DragonCon in 2003. At the time I liked his writing. I saw him on several panels and had a chance to talk with him myself a few times during the convention. Maybe he was having an off week, but after about 5 separate encounters at DragonCon with him I realized that Judd was all about Judd. During panels his ego led him to dominate the conversations, monopolizing the time and taking away time from others like Geoff Johns and Julie Schwartz (two of the greatest people and comic writers around). At his table all he cared about was getting fans money. Overall, he just made a really bad impression. Since then I’ve found I don’t enjoy the comics he’s written, and I feel he typically borrows other peoples ideas and expands upon them (rather than coming up with new ideas himself). For example, doing a whole storyline on the return of Jason Todd as the Red Hood, when Jeof Loeb had done a similar thing with Jason Todd in “Hush” the year before. Just my opinion.
Thanks again for commenting!