Pins from DC Comics
Back in the late-80s through the mid-90s I was a big fan of pins. I loved wearing pins on my shirts, especially those associated with comic books! Thankfully comic companies were generous with giveaway pins and also sold some nice quality cloisonne pins. Cloisonne pins are small decorative pins worn on the lapel of a coat or shirt collar. Typically these pins are made from metal and enamel.
Below is a collection of my pins that relate to DC Comics. All of these are simply painted metal with the exception of the Batman cloisonne pin and the Superman Kryptonite stick pin.
Here are the pins shown above:
- In the upper left-hand corner you’ve got several Superman-related pins: three “S” shields; the Superman Kryptonite stick pin (with a fake Kryptonite rock); a “Vote Lex 2000” Presidential campaign pin; and a Reign of the Supermen “I SAW THE KID” button-like thing. I wore the silver “S” shield pins all the time!
- In the lower left-hand corner you’ve got two Green Lantern pins – one to promote the launch of the 1990 series, the other to promote Kyle Rayner sometime around issue #50.
- In the lower middle you’ve got two DC Comics “bullet” pins – one blue and one red. These are pretty nice pins.
- In the middle you’ve got a Batman cloisonne pin that came with the Press Kit for the 1989 Batman movie. The pin is based upon a Bob Kane drawing that was blatantly ripped off from a Todd McFarlane drawing of Batman.
- Also in the middle is the “Legion of Substitute Editors” pin that was given to me at a convention by a DC Editor (Mark Waid if memory serves).
- Also in the middle is a neat Doom Patrol pin, and beneath that is a Hawkman pin (I believe to promote the launch of the Hawkworld monthly). The Hawkman pin adorned my favorite “Gilligan” hat I wore daily in high school.
- In the upper-middle you’ve got a cool silver Flash pin.
- And finally on the right you’ve got two Vertigo pins. “Get Anxious” was their campaign leading up to the launch of the Vertigo line.
The next two below are lenticular buttons given away in 1992 to promote the relaunch of the Justice League books. The lenticular printing process makes images appear to change as the button is viewed from different angles. You change the angle of the button, a different image would appear. In this case each button had two images – the team logo and a drawing of the team members.
The first one is for Justice League America. It was a new beginning for the JLA starting with Justice League Spectacular and following in Justice League America #61. New writer and artist Dan Jurgens was hoping to return the Justice League to their former glory. Unfortunately, it didn’t exactly turn out that way.
At the same time, writer Gerard Jones and artist Ron Randall were hoping to revitalize the JLE with Justice League Spectacular and following in Justice League Europe #37. Again, it didn’t exactly turn out like they hoped.
My thanks to Rob of the Aquaman Shrine for inspiring today’s post!
That’s it for today. Come back tomorrow for some more comic pins (Marvel and Independents) as well as a couple geeky movie pins!
I have the Lex for Prez one, along with the Vertigo one. I also have that same design on a magnet which stayed in my high school locker all four years.
Let’s see… I also have a Flash pin, a Legion pin, a Wonder Woman pin, and a DC Nation one I picked up at Heroes Con in ’08. I think all of my pins are still on the lanier from that event!
That is a sweet collection, can’t wait to see tomorrow’s!
Girls Are Geeks
I need to dig out my old pins now. I remember the Reign of the Supermen ones, and still have a handful of the Lex 2000s. I believe I’ve got one of the GL ones as well. My favorite of yours is the Hawkman, and I really dig the Vertigo and DC bullets.
I have 2 pins similar to your “I Saw The Kid” pin. I have I saw the Kryptonian & I saw the Cyborg pins. I have extras of the Cyborg pin and maybe an extra Kryptonian pin. If you hit me up on e-mail, I might be able to get you one of each. I also have a pin of The Ferret from Malibu comics.
I have a couple of those from ComicCon (WAY back in the day lol). The one I was always looking for was “Dream” of the Endless cloisonné It was one of the more artsy/ design pics of the the images, but it was GOOD.