Martian Manhunter & Hal Jordan… further evidence
About two weeks ago I wrote a post about FINAL CRISIS: REQUIEM and the relationship between Martian Manhunter & Hal Jordan. You may recall I felt that Martian Manhunter and Hal Jordan didn’t really have an established strong relationship and I felt some scenes in REQUIEM rang hollow. Well… the webmaster of “The IDOL-HEAD of DIABOLU, a Martian Manhunter blog” follow-up on my thoughts and expounded upon them in a post of his own.
Wow! Frank Lee Delano (the webmaster of IDOL-HEAD) really knows his stuff! He took my thoughts and really ran with them. He reinforced my opinion with numerous facts and history between these two characters.
Stop by the IDOL-HEAD of DIABOLU and check it out! While you’re there, take a look at all the other great posts about the history of Martian Manhunter.