Flash Week Addendum
Thanks to everyone who stopped by during FLASH WEEK. Based upon comments and unique visitors, it appears to have been well received. Just a few additional pieces worth mentioning that came up after last week …
Flash Companion by TwoMorrows Publishing
The highly-anticipated Flash Companion was recently published by TwoMorrows (the company that puts out the magazines “Back Issue” and “Alter Ego”). I just picked up my copy on Monday. I flipped through it quickly and was thoroughly impressed. If nothing else, it’s worth it for Craig Rousseau’s artistic tribute to Mike Wieringo on page 167 (yes, I teared up like a sissy when I saw it). It’s full of interviews and analysis on all the various incarnations of the Flash.
You can also hear some of the inside scope on this book by listening to my buddy Michael Bailey’s podcast, “Views from the Longbox“. He interviewed the editor Keith Dallas and had a great discussion; well worth your time.
- Views from the Longbox: The Keith Dallas Conversation Part 1
- Views from the Longbox: The Keith Dallas Conversation Part 2
Update on the future of Wally West
During a recent Comic Book Resources interview, Ethan Van Sciver (artist of the upcoming “Flash: Rebirth”) mentioned he’s working on a redesign for Wally’s costume. So I guess that confirms that Barry will retain the classic Flash costume, while Wally will undergo some form of alteration to his uniform. Kind of bums me out. I just hope Wally’s new uniform doesn’t look goofy. It wouldn’t surprise me if Wally ends up with an open cowl exposing his red hair (like he had in his Kid Flash costume).
Are there any changes in store for current Flash Wally West’s costume?
“I’m redesigning Wally West’s costume right now, and it’s terrifying.” While Sinestro’s costume, with its seemingly random blue color and “jester collar,” was ready for a redesign in Van Sciver’s eyes, “Wally West is the most perfectly designed costume ever, aside from Green Lantern’s costume, in my opinion.” Van Sciver said the challenge was to redo the costume without either making it less cool or more cool than Barry Allen’s and thus implying that one character is better than the other.
Noting some audience member’s skepticism about bringing Barry back at all, Van Sciver explained his motivation for doing so. “I want Barry to come back and be King Arthur. He’s the most straight-laced, perfect Flash, rigid in his morality and his ethics,” making the looser, cooler, more laid-back Wally a Lancelot figure. Van Sciver told the audience “Kick me in the ass if I fail.”
Speed Force.org
Finally, my thanks to Kelson over at Speed Force.org for pimping FLASH WEEK here at ONCE UPON A GEEK. I really enjoy his blog and appreciate his support. If it weren’t for his blog, I wouldn’t have heard about the Comic Book Resources interview with Ethan Van Sciver above. I also agree whole-heartedly with his recent post, “What I want to see after Flash: Rebirth“.
If you like the themed week concept, drop me a line. I’m considering doing more based around other characters. As always, thanks for reading!