DC’s ‘Fables’ Commercial on ABC
You may have heard that ABC is developing Bill Willingham’s DC comic ‘Fables’ for television. If you have not, you can read about it by clicking here.
Here is the first commercial. Enjoy!
A blog for The Irredeemable Shag … A place for all things geek, focusing primarily on superheroes & science fiction.
You may have heard that ABC is developing Bill Willingham’s DC comic ‘Fables’ for television. If you have not, you can read about it by clicking here.
Here is the first commercial. Enjoy!
Um … instead of Once Upon a Geek I am seeing a video of some show called Meet the Charmings?
Sorry – I meant “Fables” not “Once Upon a Geek” in that last post
Sorry for any confusion Colin – That was the gag. Lots of people have drawn joking comparisons between the old show “Charmings” and the comic “Fables”.
Ha! You actually had me until I scrolled down to see the video.
Log on to Facebook…delete Shag as friend.
I have not been that excited to click on something since the last time I heard there was some awesome new story line for Aquaman…oh wait…nevermind, that has never happened.
lol – I immediately recognized that “Charmings” video and clicked anyways – do I dare admit that I loved that show as a kid?
I saw the ’80’s hair and thought: whatchoo talkin’ about, Willis?
Funny, though.
I used to love the Charmings. Only because I was fascinated with the breast of the first Snow White Charming. You know, the same actress who was in Tales of the Gold Monkey.
Shag, dude. That was just wrong.
That’s hilarious. And quite creepy.
Is the Charmings out on DVD?