Temporary Interruption of Service
We here at ONCE UPON A GEEK apologize for a temporary interruption of service for the next couple of days. Our primary IT resources (read as MY HOME COMPUTER) are being upgraded in order to serve you better (read as THE COMPUTER CAUGHT A F@%#!#& VIRUS!!!!).
Yeah, so I come home from being out of town for a week to find my computer has picked up the “Antivirus XP 2008” virus! Aaarrgghh! This is a crappy little piece of malware that hijacks a few systems and tries to get you to buy some bogus anti-virus software. It also throws fake infection warnings and a fake blue-screen-of-death. It’s a pretty clever little bastard and has apparently fooled a lot of tech savvy people.
By the way, this blog is hosted by GO DADDY (rather than my own personal computer). So don’t worry, you can’t get the virus from simply reading my blog.
Thanks to the free Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, I believe I’ve removed the virus from my system. However, I’ve been in dire need of an overhaul for a while. So I’m going to take this opportunity to reinstall the operating system and clean things up.
Therefore, the lights at this blog may be dark for a couple days. Fear not, I’ll be back with my thoughts on comic books, Doctor Who, and whatever pithy comments I can think of.
Thanks for reading.
It will take you a couple days to re-install? That sucks.
It should only take a few hours to re-install. However, the next few evenings will be dedicated to re-installing all the various programs I use and getting all the settings just right. While I’m doing that, I doubt I’ll have much time to blog.
I hate re-installing. It’s a pain in the neck.
I warned you that frequent visits to HotAsianLibrarians.com might result in something catchy on your system.
Good luck. A little housekeeping is a good thing, though.
HotAsianLibrarians.com WTF i thought it was HotAsianLesbians.com I am always the last to get the memo
Believe it or not, it happened while my wife was surfing the web looking for Science Fair project ideas for my eight year old. My brother caught the same virus from his Veterinarians website. This thing sucks.
“Believe it or not, it happened while my wife was surfing the web looking for Science Fair project ideas for my eight year old. My brother caught the same virus from his Veterinarians website. This thing sucks.”
A “science fair…”
Yeah yeah. Heard it ALL before. 😛
Tee hee
My old laptop caught a virus that once found had the name Spider-Man in it. But yeah, re-installing sucks but at the same time was kind of neat. I have no idea why but I kind of enjoyed the process.