Premio Dardo Award!
First off, sorry I didn’t get to post anything on Thursday. Real life got in the way. So to make it up, I’ll give you a double-shot today.
Second, ONCE UPON A GEEK has recently been awarded the prestigious PREMIO DARDO award by two different bloggers! I humbly and graciously accept this honor. I’d like to thank the academy… etc… etc… etc…
Okay, here’s the real skinny. The PREMIO DARDO is designed to recognize unique voices and visions on the Web as well as to promote fraternization amongst bloggers of all sorts. I was honored by Reis at Geek Orthodox and Acrobatic Flea at HeroPress. Both are excellent geek-related blogs, so I sincerely appreciate their recognition of my site.
The way it works is that after accepting the award, I turn around and award it to five other excellent blogs. It’s the internet award version of a chain letter, because if I don’t do it, I’ll die within five days! At least that is what Reis told me. 😉
The five outstanding blogs I’ve decided to bestow this honor upon are Aquaman Shrine, Fortress of Baileytude, Groovy Superhero, Idol-Head of Diabolu, and I Don’t Read My Blog Either. Each of these is a truly great blog and definitely offers a unique voice! If I could, I’d give out several more awards. I can think of numerous other blogs I read that are excellent and deserving of accolades.
My thanks again to Geek Orthodox and HeroPress for giving ONCE UPON A GEEK this award. I’m thrilled that you are enjoying my ramblings.
As current #1 blog on the toplist (with a dominating number of daily unique hits!!!) AND now a PREMIO DARDO winner, I hope you will use your newfound powers of outreach to make sure all those other sites YOU enjoy get themselves on the list as well!
One list to join them. One blog to rule them all. 🙂
Woo hoo! I am honored, Shag!