Calvin and Hobbes Snow Days – Day Four
Today is day four of CALVIN AND HOBBES SNOW DAYS! Enjoy these snowmen strips. Also, please consider making a pledge to Dear Mr. Watterson, a film that will look to the readers and fans of Calvin & Hobbes to tell the story of the strip and its creator. For more information on the fund raising for Dear Mr. Watterson, please click here.
And now, bring on the snowmen!
I’ve really been enjoying these strips. They’ve brought back a lot of good childhood memories. 🙂
Have you seen this (thankfully fake) poster:
Great post. I love Calvin and Hobbes.
Good old post on Blue Moon ice cream. I used it in a comment here
Acrobatic Flea – I had not seen that. Thanks for pointing it out. It’s interesting and terrifying at the same time.
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!