Podcast Appearances
Just a heads-up… I’ve been horribly negligent and haven’t mentioned the podcasts I’ve appeared in recently.
The Unique Geek Issue #76 features the usual gang as we discuss what we were looking forward to at DragonCon 2008 (obviously recorded prior to the event).
The Unique Geek Issue #78 features audio recorded while the Unique Geeks were on-site at DragonCon. We recorded the audio by just putting a digital recorder down and forgetting about it (most of the time). So you will hear a bunch of background noise, but there is some good stuff in there. This is one of those ‘casts that you just play in the background while doing any number of more important things. You can hear exciting things like how much to tip a “special” masseuse, Ravenface and myself arguing about Star Wars (I was right!), and Jon making coffee.
Views from the Longbox Episode 51 & Episode 52 feature Michael and I giving our recap of DragonCon 2008. In these podcasts we discuss things like the dealers room, why Laurell K. Hamilton is awesome, why Mai Tais are now the official drink of the Unique Geek, art sketchs we commissioned, what happened Sunday night after Michael left, and the unfortunate death of Michael’s grandfather while we were at the con.
Be sure to check out these podcasts and the rest of The Unique Geek & Views from the Longbox podcasts.