Listen up folks! I recently appeared on three, count ’em THREE, geeky podcasts. Be sure to give each of these episodes a try and support
Read MoreI consider myself a pretty big Star Trek fan. I’ve seen most of the TV episodes, all the movies, and read quite a few of
Read MoreDo you love the old Star Wars comics from Marvel? Then you need to check out Two True Freaks Star Wars Monthly Mondays! Hosts Scott
Read MoreI like talking about Doctor Who! Yes I do! In fact, I was fortunate enough to guest-star on two fantastic podcasts discussing Doctor Who recently!
Read MoreListen up folks! I recently appeared on an episode of the fantastic and hilarious podcast TWO TRUE FREAKS! Hosts Scott Gardner and Chris Honeywell were
Read MoreIf you haven’t already, go now and sign the petition to put BATGIRL: YEAR ONE the animated DVD back into production! Stella from Batgirl to
Read MoreI recently had another opportunity to interview Gerry Conway, comics and TV legend! This time Michael Bailey (from the Views from the Longbox podcast) and
Read MoreI’ve appeared on several podcasts in the past few months, but have been horribly negligent about giving them a shout-out here. These were all podcasts
Read MoreI am loving Blackest Night! While they are only on issue #2, I feel like I’ve been reading it for months. The build up in
Read MoreJust a heads-up, I appeared on a recent podcast of THE UNIQUE GEEK. This time out the crew was reviewing the zombie book World War
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