Super Powers 25th Anniversary Crossover Was a Success!
In case you missed it yesterday, there was an awesome crossover between fourteen different blogs celebrating the 25th anniversary of Kenner’s Super Powers Collection. In fact, it was so well received that other blogs joined in! Check these sites out:
- Michael over at The Legion Omnicom jumped in with both feet and did his own entry into the crossover on the Super Powers Tyr figure!
- Rick was kind enough to promote the crossover on his blogs, Mail it to Team-Up and Plastic Man Platitudes.
- Bubba Shelby gave us a shout-out over at his outstanding toy blog, Toyriffic.
- Finally, Matt over at No Cure for Comics discussed the crossover and even included a Super Powers TV commercial! Matt moderates the fantastic Comic Blog Elite toplist.
Some of the bloggers involved have plans to make further posts celebrating the Super Powers Collection. So keep visiting these blogs and others for additional posts: The Aquaman Shrine, Crimson Lightning, Bat-Blog, and …nurgh….
I’m still reeling from all the great information put forth by everyone involved in the crossover. Below is the list of all the blogs involved in the crossover. If you haven’t checked them all out, I strongly encourage you to. There is some great commentary, neat collectibles, and some funny stuff. Well worth your time.
- Rob (the blogger who inspired most of us to start our own superhero blogs) rolls out the pomp and circumstance for the King of the Seven Seas over at The Aquaman Shrine.
- Frank investigates J’onn J’onzz, the Manhunter from Mars, at Idol-Head of Diabolu.
- Tommy applies his detective skills to the Batman universe of characters over at the Bat-Blog.
- The Clowny Princess brings us a different view at her blog dedicated to the Clown Prince of Crime, Love Dat Joker.
- Kelson types the fastest blog alive and covers the Flash over at Speed Force.
- Running side-by-side with Kelson is Dixon’s Flash blog over at Crimson Lighting.
- Frank explores the figures and mini-comics that might have been for Justice League Detroit.
- Luke provides the rundown on the winged wonder, Hawkman, over at the cleverly named blog Being Carter Hall.
- Doug puts a new spin on the adventures of Red Tornado over at his Doom Patrol blog, My Greatest Adventure 80.
- Adama keeps Green Arrow’s aim true over at Dispatches from the Arrow Cave.
- Michael provides up, up and away coverage of Superman over at the Fortress of Baileytude.
- Frank tackles as many Super Powers mini-comics today as humanly possible over at his blog called … nurgh …
- Finally, I tackled Firestorm’s Super Powers antics over at my other blog, Firestorm Fan.
My thanks to everyone involved in the crossover and to anyone who enjoyed reading it!