Calvin and Hobbes Snow Days – Day One
I’m officially declaring this week CALVIN AND HOBBES SNOW DAYS! Each day this week will spotlight a handful of Calvin & Hobbes comic strips featuring snowmen. This collection won’t cover all of the snowman related strips, but will tackle many of them.
You may recall I’ve posted before about the upcoming film, Dear Mr. Watterson. Well they’ve just started a funding campaign at to raise $12,000 to help pay for the costs of production for the movie. So far, over $5,000 has already been pledged. is a website that allows them to gather pledges for the film (you can pledge easily, especially if you already have Facebook and accounts). If they don’t hit their goal of $12,000 then they won’t get any of the funding.
Please consider making a pledge if you are able. The minimum pledge is only $3, and there are incentives, including the opportunity to be in the film, or to get a finished copy on DVD when it is released. I believe this is a worthwhile project and encourage everyone to consider pledging. If you are interested, please visit by clicking here.
And now, bring on the snowmen!
Awesome collection THANK YOU!