I interviewed comic book legend Gerry Conway!
Sorry for no post yesterday. Time lost to three hours of Chuck, two hours of Battlestar Galactica: The Plan, several Blackest Night crossover issues, and a sick child all caught up with me. Sometimes other things just get in the way.
To pour salt in that wound, I’m not even going to give you a real post today. Instead I’m going to direct you over to my other blog FIRESTORM FAN where I’ve posted the first part of my interview with the amazing Gerry Conway! Gerry Conway is a comic book legend! He was one of the most prolific comic book writers of the 1970s and 80s. His writing credits go on for miles! He’s probably best known for co-creating the Punisher and scripting the death of Gwen Stacy in the Amazing Spider-Man. He also wrote for and produced such TV series as Law & Order and Diagnosis Murder. Back in 1977, Gerry created Firestorm the Nuclear Man along with artist Al Milgrom. Gerry continued to write the character of Firestorm for about nine years. Gerry recently returned to comics after an almost 20 year absence with the insightful mini-series, The Last Days of Animal Man.
Gerry was kind enough to sit down and talk with me for about 80 minutes about Firestorm the Nuclear Man! We discussed things like Firestorm’s creation, artists, the writing process, creator rights, the DC Implosion, merchandise, where the character has journeyed since his involvement, and much more! I believe any comic book reader, even if you aren’t a fan of Firestorm, would genuinely enjoy this interview.
So head over to FIRESTORM FAN.com and check out comic book legend Gerry Conway.