Hitler’s Response to Marvel’s Offer to Return DC Ring Comics
Marvel Comics made a surprising offer to comic book retailers earlier this week. Marvel announced that retailers may trade unsold copies of DC’s Blackest Night “ring” comics for an extremely rare Siege #3 Deadpool variant. For more information on this story, check out Newsarama.
Now we go to our man in the field for his opinion. Hitler, what do you think? … Wait a minute … Seriously? Hitler?
While I don’t agree with several things Hitler says here (and who would want to agree with Hitler anyway, right?), it is funny as heck. My thanks to Vanessa G from Girls-Gone-Geek.com for sending this my way. Hilarious!
If you can’t view the embedded video above, please click here.
Oh yeah. There was a version of this regarding the topic of Mac vs PC a couple of months ago. Of course, since most of us do not understand German (Naziese here), any topic could be plugged in.
Funny stuff.
Classic! Haven’t laughed out at a viral video for ages! Thanks for sharing.
Classic! Haven’t laughed out loud at a viral video for ages! Thanks for sharing.