Retro Doctor Fate T-Shirt
Here is an awesome retro Doctor Fate t-shirt I just got! I’m a huge Doctor Fate fan, so I was thrilled to find this. You can order your own from by clicking here.
Here is a close-up of the graphic. The t-shirt color came out gray in the photo, even though it’s actually slate blue as shown above. I’m not 100% confident who the artist is, but after doing some research and consulting with experts we believe it was drawn by Dick Giordano. I don’t know when it premiered, but the Doctor Fate logo has been around since at least Flash #306 (February 1982) when the good Doctor began appearing as a back-up strip in that book.
I recently purchased another Doctor Fate t-shirt. You can find that shirt on display in today’s FIRESTORM FAN post. Check it out!
Link sent to wife – let’s see if she gets it for me 😉
Dr. Fate is my hero!