Calvin and Hobbes Did Inception Years Ago
Just in case you’re wondering, Calvin and Hobbes did Inception years ago. Christopher Nolan clearly ripped off Bill Watterson. Geez…
A blog for The Irredeemable Shag … A place for all things geek, focusing primarily on superheroes & science fiction.
Just in case you’re wondering, Calvin and Hobbes did Inception years ago. Christopher Nolan clearly ripped off Bill Watterson. Geez…
Thanks for posting that. I’d completely forgotten that particular C&H strip. Always a joy to be reminded of any Calvin & Hobbes though 😉
Wonderful really. And if we get into the way back machine and go back aways more, you’ll find “Little Nemo” was full of such kicks. I definitely perfer the C&K version however!
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
Ha! I remember that cartoon. Great call, Shag.